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킹송16X(KS-16X) V1.07 최신 펌웨어 배포(업그레이드 권장)

안녕하세요. 크로닉입니다.

10월 1일 오전 12시경(약 2주만)에 킹송16X 최신 V1.07 펌웨어가 배포되었습니다.

V1.06 버전에서 불안정했던 일부 이슈들이 해결되었고 몇 가지 개선사항이 있습니다.

V1.07 버전부터는 4A 초과 충전기 사용시 과충전 경보 알람이 추가되었습니다. (아래 영상 참조)


KS-16X Firmware V1.07 Features:
1. Adjust speed limit starting voltage, optimizing speed limit algorithm, safer to ride
2. Add output power, safer to ride in low-voltage status
3. Add hall optimized algorithm, more smooth to ride, more stable at high speed
4. Add new balance algorithm, accelerater faster, riding feeling will not be affected by voltage
5. Activate 100% power of the fan on the controller when headlight is ON and bluetooth music is ON, to improve heat dissipation
1.Add turning light function
2.Automatically adjust between high beam and low beam, including brightness
3.Can click power button to switch high beam or low beam
4.Add auto power off function, default 120 minutes(this function will be not activated during riding or playing music status)
5.Fan activated when controller temperature reach 45 centigrade with 50% power, 100% power when exceed 65 centigrade
6.Fix the bug that some voice report is still working when close voice speak switch
7. Add output power alarm, it will beep 4 times when over 88%
8. With 1.06 also Front light Automatic is wrong.... The dimming is perfect but when speed Up only max. 80% light Output...when Switch Manual to light on 100% Output....can you make dimming also to 100%;or over 20kmh to 100% light Output...this is nice Feature
9. Fix forward/backward shaking problems of some wheels 

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