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V11 펌웨어 업데이트 V1.2.22


Added Functions

1.Added battery indicator flashing alert for low battery state(first level warning flashes slowly, second-level warning flashes quickly)

2.Added the charging animation display

3.Added no-load detection and protection functions. After the no-load detection is turned on through the APP, even if the spin-kill button is disabled, the vehicle lifting can still be detected to prevent the motor from spinning

4.Added the remaining mileage prediction function, which can predict the remaining mileage based on the user's historical energy consumption (this function can be turned on or off through the APP)

5.Added the motor self-adaptation function, which can be started through APP to improve the smoothness of the motor. This function is located in: Settings/Vehicle Calibration/Motor Self-Adaptation



Modification and Improvement

1.Cancelled the Gohome Mode and replaced it as the“Low Battery Safe Mode”, This mode is on by default and can be turned off by app at any time. If it is on, the V11 will be limited to a speed not higher than 18km/h when the low battery warning occurs, If it is off, there will be no 18km/h speed limit, but there is still a power limit

2. Optimized the Overspeed alarm function, and will continuously and uninterruptedly alarm when it is foreseen that danger may occur

3. Improved the safety mechanism of the power button and spin-kill button. When the motor has torque output, it will not be able to shut down and will not respond to the spin-kill button

4. Optimized the motor drive algorithm and control parameters, improved the riding experience, and made high-speed riding safer (it is recommended to run a motor adaptation in the app after the upgrade)

5. The whistle volume is fixed at 100%, no longer following the system volume

6. Improved the feedback and reminder of locking and entering the transport mode. If the vehicle is locked by app or enters the transport mode in the riding state, the vehicle will slowly tiltback

7. Other details modification

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